You're Invited


We would like to extend a warm invitation to our first GP education and information session
at Heal Specialist Urgent Care
on Thursday 25 May 2023,
6.30pm – 8.30pm.

This is a fantastic opportunity to network with colleagues at this catered event and listen to some excellent guest speakers discussing matters impacting General Practice.


Education Session

Dr Tim Stewart, Emergency Physician will be running an education session on Paediatric Respiratory - Asthma, Croup and Bronchiolitis

Guest Presenter

Beverly Simpson from Ignite Culture Consulting
Finding and keeping the right people - Why your culture matters.

Panel Discussion

- Incorporating tech to improve workflow and patient experience
- Dealing with difficult patients
- Workplace culture and Patient experience

Site Tours

We will be offering tours of our new facility at the end of the event, providing an opportunity to understand more about the services we offer.

Catering and refreshments will be served during this event.

We invite you to join us for this event

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